
Welcome to Datastoreng

A technology platform that offers solutions to digital needs at best possible price without compromising quality.

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Why Choose Us?

Automation Services

Certain things in life are hard but making payments shouldn't be one of them. Datastoreng helps provide you with services you need at the comfort of your homes and offices.

Swift Delivery

We offer instant recharge of Airtime, Databundle, CableTV (DStv, GOtv & Startimes), Electricity Bill Payment and Educational PIN(s) with instant delivery...

Secure Payment

Fund you wallet with ease and peace of mind! We offer you different payment channels , all with high security profiling expedient for the tech guru and the internet newbies ..


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Years Of Experience

About Us

We had been one of the best telecommunication platform that have been existence since over a year ago. Our goal and vision is to support the race of communication technology in Nigeria.


Our mission is to ensure that our partners and customers are satisfied in all ramfications and also to ensure that we grow together in this venture.


We aim to grow wider efficiently and adequately to make the world of technology easier for our partners and customers by the grace of God. Like they say "DATA IS LIFE!"


Check out our services below.

Buy Data

Start enjoying this very low rates Data plan for your internet browsing databundle.

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Airtime TopUp

Making an online recharge has become very easy and safe on Datastoreng.com

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Cable Subscription

Instantly Activate Cable subscription with favourable discount compare to others

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Airtime To Cash

Convert your airtime easily to cash here at Datastoreng with less charges.

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Utility Bills Payment

Because we understand your needs, we have made bills and utilities payment more convenient.

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Referal Programme

Refer a friend as a reseller and earn 50% bonus on their activation with no stress.

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Contact Us

We are online 24/7 for any issue you have

Contact Us Now!


Affordable Plans & Pricing

1GB ₦300 Valid
One Month Valid
Support 4G LTE
Hotspot Sharing Active
Laptop Usage Active
Multiple Device Active
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1GB ₦500 Valid
One Month Valid
Support 4G LTE
Hotspot Sharing Active
Laptop Usage Active
Multiple Device Active
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1GB ₦450 Valid
One Month Valid
Support 4G LTE
Hotspot Sharing Active
Laptop Usage Active
Multiple Device Active
Shop Now
1GB ₦450 Valid
One Month Valid
Support 4G LTE
Hotspot Sharing Active
Laptop Usage Active
Multiple Device Active
Shop Now

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How To Buy Data?

    1. Log in to your account
    2. If not click here to register
    3. After log in click fund my account if low balance
    4. Fill the Data form and proceed with the nect actions.

    1. MTN-> *461*4#
    2. 9mobile[SME]-> *229*9#
    3. 9mobile[Gifting]-> *228#
    4. Airtel-> *140#
    5. Glo-> *127*0#.

    1. We have provided you some easy way to get money into your account:

    2. Bank payment.
    3. Online Payment with your ATM card details via Pay stack Payment Gateway.
    4. Payment with airtime.
    5. >

    1. STEP 1: Fund your wallet.
    2. STEP 2: Fill the data order form.
    3. STEP 3: Wait for 1-15 minutes, the recipient will receive notification(s) of data recharge(Except for 9mobile(SME), which should be confirmed with its balance code)

Contact Us

Our Address

Lagos Island, Lagos Nigeria.

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